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Syria Emergency

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Syrian Crisis: Over a Decade of Conflict

Now spanning over a decade, the Syrian crisis has left an indelible mark on its people and the nation's fabric. With staggering displaced individuals and an economy in shambles, the need for humanitarian aid has never been more pressing. As the situation continues to evolve, marked by economic downturns, health crises, and regional challenges, MAA stands at the forefront, offering unwavering support to those affected.

Crisis Snapshot

The conflict in Syria, one of the most devastating humanitarian crises of our time, has resulted in the tragic loss of over 500,000 lives. The ripple effects of this conflict have displaced more than 13 million individuals, which astonishingly represents over half of Syria's population before the war. Among these, 6.9 million Syrians find themselves internally displaced, while another 6.8 million seek refuge in neighbouring countries like Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey.

Compounding Challenges

Beyond the immediate conflict, Syria faces a myriad of challenges that exacerbate the situation. The nation grapples with the repercussions of economic sanctions, the global COVID-19 pandemic, severe drought conditions, and financial crises in neighbouring regions. These factors collectively strain the already limited resources and support systems in place, both governmental and non-governmental.

MAA's Role in Alleviating the Crisis

Since the start of the conflict MAA has been on the ground, consistently providing humanitarian aid to the Syrians. Our commitment is unwavering, focusing on immediate emergency relief and the long-term rebuilding and rehabilitation of those displaced by the conflict. Through your support, MAA has delivered food & hygiene packs, winter items, clothing, educational supplies, constructed homes, and much more.

How You Can Help

Your generous donations empower MAA to continue this vital work. With your support, we can ensure that our efforts persistently reach and uplift our Syrian brothers and sisters, offering them a chance at a brighter, more stable future. Join us in making a lasting impact and make a donation today.


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