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Home / Projects / Global Orphan Care: A$25/month

Global Orphan Care: A$25/month

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Charity donations $2 or more to Muslim Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

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Be the Change for Orphans Globally: $25 Per Month

For just $25 a month, you can be the catalyst for positive change in the lives of orphans around the world. MAA International's Global Orphan Care programme offers you a unique opportunity to be a beacon of hope and transformation for these young souls.

The impact of your donation

MAA's Global Orphan Care program is simple and aims to provide whatever is needed to create a stable and steady lifestyle for every child. Your monthly donation of AU$25 will go towards:

  • Clothing hundreds of orphans

  • Providing medical and dental treatment 

  • Providing proper learning opportunities

  • Putting hundreds of mothers at ease who worry about feeding their children

Consistent Care with Monthly Contributions

A regular $25 monthly donation guarantees continuous support, ensuring these orphans receive the consistent care and love they deserve.

Embrace the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Reflect on the profound wisdom of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW):

“I and the person who looks after an orphan will be in paradise like this,” [then he raised his index and middle finger together] - Bukhari

By dedicating $25 monthly to the Orphan Care initiative, you're not merely donating; you're embodying the teachings and sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Take the Step: Commit $25 Monthly

Make the pledge today. With just $25 a month, you can be the ray of hope in the lives of orphans across the globe. Your dedication can bridge the gap between hardship and hope.


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