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Indonesia Neonatal Care

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Maternal and Child Health Services in Indonesia


Indonesia's Health Crisis

Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous nation, grapples with a myriad of health challenges. From being one of the most disaster-prone countries, facing floods, typhoons, and earthquakes, to the recent devastating surge of COVID-19, the nation's health infrastructure is under immense strain. The pandemic further exposed the chronic issues plaguing the health system, such as limited infrastructure, medical equipment shortages, and a dearth of qualified health professionals.

The Dire State of Maternal and Child Health

The under-five mortality rate in Indonesia stands alarmingly at 23.9 deaths per 1000 live births. Pneumonia, congenital diseases, and neonatal complications are among the leading causes. Furthermore, the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases is predicted to cost Indonesia a staggering US$2.8 trillion between 2012-2030.

Boyolali District: A Microcosm of the Larger Issue

Boyolali District, with its 19 sub-districts, is a reflection of the broader health challenges Indonesia faces. With over 10% of its population living below the poverty line and a maternal mortality rate that has doubled since 2019, the district's health indicators are concerning. The rising infant and neonatal mortality rates, coupled with an increasing percentage of Low birth weight (LBW) in newborns, further underscore the urgency of the situation.

MAA International's Intervention

To help mitigate these issues, MAA is providing top-tier Maternal and Child Health services to 30,000 direct beneficiaries in Boyolali, Central Java. MAA is providing essential equipment to hospitals in Central Java including Phototherapy, CPAP & Anaesthesia Machines, Neonatal & Mobile Incubators, Infant Warmers, Ultrasonography Machine, Defibrillators. This project hopes to ensure improved care and a brighter, healthier future for the community.

How You Can Help

Supporting MAA International's initiative can pave the way for improved maternal and child health outcomes in Boyolali and, by extension, Indonesia. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that mothers and children receive the care they deserve.


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